Friday, October 1, 2010

Deceit, Lies, and Bribes - Oh My!

If anyone in the world of the living is still at odds as to why a grass roots movement like the "Tea Party" has come about, then you may need to re-examine your life. If we take an allegiance to those policies that are taking our country to the edge of bankruptcy then we will surely reap a future where it will be uncertain at minimum and non-existent at worse. When we take are spending to the extreme we risk being able to repay even the interest on all of that spending. There is enough "Deceit, Lies, and Bribes" going on in Washington to make a madam at a bordello blush. Both political parties are guilty of these three sins to one degree or another. Some members of both parties are either taking part in them or are certainly knowledgeable that it is being done and not doing something to expose it. The people elect their representatives to go to Washington to do the peoples work, and instead we are getting a government that is thinking that it can do and say anything it wants to do without taking responsibility. It's little wonder that the people are now starting to arise and say, "Taxed Enough Already". It is that and so much more, but our voices will be heard. GOD save our country.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prayer isn't just for the difficult times in your life

Prayer is basic to all who acknowledge a higher power and confess to being subservient to that power. Exercising a desire to express your thoughts to GOD is to exude your inner most feelings to your father in heaven. Its not an occasion that you have to wait for or a time when there is great stress in your life. GOD enjoys hearing from you during the times when your happy as well as those times when you are not. Take time in your life to express your thanks for all that HE has done in your life. Let HIM know that you are grateful for not only what HE has done in your life but in the lives of those around you. Isn't it true that when someone around you is experiencing turmoil in their life that you will reach out to GOD and ask that HE lessen their load? Do you ask HIM to heal their body as well as to lift their spirit? People go astray from time to time and with GOD's help they can be put back onto a path that is both pleasing to HIM, as well as healthy for you.

"Come now, let us argue this out," says the Lord. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool." Isaiah 1:18 NLT

No matter what you have done or how you feel there is an answer and you only have to get on your knees and give it up to the LORD. This isn't about how strong you think you have to be for your family or your friends. Its about knowing that you have a support team that is like no other and you only have to cry out and acknowledge HIM.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jackie Evancho on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

What good a nation with out a soul

When you vote ask yourself if you are voting for a politician or some one who will carry out the wishes of the people who put them there. There is a sense of entitlement in Washington that spans across the political isle. We (as the people who put them there) keep voting for the same people every time and so it falls on us to look in the mirror and ask ourselves "What are we thinking". Religion is being removed from all aspects of our lives and we wonder why there is moral decay in the fabric of our society. Its not a mystery. We are what share with our fellow humans and animals of all kind. It is said that if we are ashamed of Jesus, then it will be Jesus who will be ashamed of us before the Father. We are what we preach. If we preach hate, don't take time to thank the creator, don't respect one another, don't acknowledge HIM in both our private and public lives, then how can we expect GOD to come to our aid in our time of need. The blessings that have been bestowed on this country over its history are slowly dissipating as we show less and less respect for GOD by living the kind of life that would honor HIM. Think about that when you go to the voting booth and make your decision. Think about what that decision will mean to our country. GOD bless you and our country.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saving our country one step at a time



Following are my thoughts on how to lead our nation in a new direction:


  • Reduce the size of government by reducing the number of people that make up the civil service employees.
    • This can be done through attrition and not replacing anybody who is "Non-Essential" to that department's staffing.
    • You could also consolidate departments to eliminate any chance for duplication of effort.
    • I'm sure that there are many ways to cut back in expenses by doing such things as cutting back or eliminating all paper work and doing computer centralizing of all data utilized in job performance.
    • Putting a freeze on all future government hiring unless it is for critical positions that are extremely essential to making the government function.
    • The savings would be reflected in less growth in the national debt.


  • Reviewing all national parks.
    • Setting up a panel to take a long look at what national parks need to be kept and which ones could be either cut back or eliminated all together.
    • There are several areas where the natural resources (Mineral Rights) could be leased out to private companies with a percentage of the revenue being placed in public trust for both the maintainece of those parks.
    • A portion of profits realized through those mineral rights could also be used to pay down on our national debt.


  • Review all bills going throught congress.
    • Elimate any "Pork" from all bills prior to passage.
    • If congress can't decide what items are pork then it will be put forth before the people so that they can decide which items they think are pork and without merit.
    • No tacking on to any bills anything that is not directly related to that bill just so that it can gain passage due to the urgency of the bill that is being put forth for a vote.
    • The elimination of Pork would help to keep the national debt from going any higher then what it is already.






  • Review all tax measures that flow into the government.
    • The IRS could easily be scaled down due to an adoption of the flat tax.
    • This would be for cutting down on the multiple numbers of employees needed to run this agency.
    • It would also simplify the paper work and cut down the the amount of paper work that goes into explaining all of the instructions to fill out your taxes.
    • Less money paid out in payroll would result in not adding to the national debt.




  • Review all entitlement programs such as social security, medicare, medecaid, wellfare, food stamps, and unemployment.
    • In the case of Social Security I would increase the entry level from 62 to 65, and the full level from 66 to 70.
    • Those applying for disaility would be closely examined to see if they are truly disabled and are not suffering from just a headache or backache.
    • All able bodied personnel who are getting wellfare would have to be able to work on public projects that would be in keeping with maintaing this countries inforstructure.
    • All grocorery chains and independent stores would drop off all items that near or at their expiration dates to centralized locations. All people receiving food stamps would be required to access these locations first prior to going to grocery stores to help cut down on retail costs.
    • All abled bodied people receiving unemployement would continued to try and uptain work during the first 26 weeks after a lost of job, but would also be required to enroll in a trade or community college job training program that would be paid for by the government.
    • After the 26 week period the unemployed person would be required to not only continue in a re-training program but also be required to perform some sort of community action program to help other less forturnate people who are without any income and totally dependent on the government.
    • There would be some initial increase in money needed for these programs, but they would result in an eventual reduction of people collecting future benefits paid out and help reduce the national debt.








  • Review of foreign aid to all countries.
    • A review of those countries that are not friendly to us and are only our friends as long as we continue to give them foreign aid. You can not buy "True" friendship.
    • The foreign aid that is going to these countries (that do like us) would continue on but be reviewed on a yearly basis for need and ability.
    • We can not continue to pay out foreign aid to countries while our own citizens are suffering due to lack of jobs, food, clothing, and housing.
    • This could result in an immediate reduction of aid paid out and substantial savings via a lower national debt.


  • Review of our military operations around the globe.
    • All military obligations to foreign countries should be examined closely to determine which countries would continue to receive assistance.
    • All military should be withdrawned from all foreign lands (with some excpetion due to total dependency, and a dire danger to the US) and those troops re-assigned back to this country.
    • We no longer have the resouces to continue to re-supply these military operations.
    • As long as we provide a crutch there some countries that will not find the need to defend them selves.
    • This would result in a smaller military budget and less national debt.


  • Review of our borders.

    • We can not continue to ignore the need to secure our borders.
    • Some of the troops who would be coming home from overseas operations could be re-assigned to border security.
    • These troops would not directly engage the illeagal entries into this country, but act as a buffer between our country and the border.
    • The Border patrol would have primary responsibility for patrolling the border, but with the help of the military backed up with all the latest electronic and aireal surveilance.
    • The savings here would be from less crowding in our jails, schools, hospitals, etc.













  • Review of the way we handle citizenship into this country.
    • The first step is closing down the borders. You have to stop the bleeding before you can heal the wound.
    • The next step would be to check with all employers to verify that their workers are all legal citizens.
    • After that there could be a concerted effort to examine housing, hospitals, schools and all public assistance programs to asses their legal standing.
    • The next question is to see if they have family living here already that are legal citizens. If they do then they would go through a pathway program (See below), but if they do not then they would be deported immediately.
    • We have to be able to identify these people before we can be able to deal with them. Who and how many people are we looking at?
    • All people with legal problems should be deported immediately.
    • Those that are left would go through a pathway program and be given green cards to acknowledge who they are and their current status.
    • Next thy would be required to go through citizenship classes, learn to speak english, and have to wait for a period of 1 year to perform any further back ground investigation to determine their status prior to entering this country illeagally.
    • *This is a one time forgiveness due to the amounts of illegals in this country and is the price we have to pay for having unsecure borders.
    • There would be an upfront investment but the lock down of our borders would result in huge savings in the future, and less money needed to address all of the illegals.


  • Review of our Educational needs.
    • A main concern is the re-training of unemployed people so that they can pick up the education and skills to compete for today's jobs.
    • A second concern is that "NO" illegal will get selected over a citizen of this country for available collage programs. If there are open slots and they can provide their own funding then there might be some consideration of permissable enrollment. The public should not be funding illegals for higher education at the college level.
    • There should be a higher emphasis on the Science and Math courses that are offered at all levels of academia. We are getting left behind as we try to compete in the global arena.
    • Reward the good teachers and get rid of the poor teachers.
    • There should be a greater emphasis on Charter schools and the voucher program.
    • The savings to the country is realized in the increased productivity of the children who will fill the jobs of the future.



  • Review of what part Religion plays in our lives.
    • Tolerence and the truth are key on this issue.
    • Unfarely calling out one religion for criticism is against everything that this nation stands for as stated in our constitution.
    • Everyone has to answer to their GOD one day and it will be revealed to them after they die if the choice they made in life was a good one.
    • This also applies to those people who have no GOD and have no belief network in place in their lives. What they face in the after life is between them in what their beliefs are.
    • I do believe that giving to charities should always remain tax deductable because of the greated good that it does. Many of these non-profit organizations provide support and assistance to the most needy in our society. If it wasn't for these organizations it would fall onto the local, state, and federal government agencies to pick up the slack.


  • Review of how this country views energy.
    • Working toward a more green energy is what we want to stride toward, but until that time gets here we still have to utilize our current sources such as Oil, Gas, Nuculear, and renewable.
    • In order to increase the safety of this nation we need to become less dependent on foreign sources of energy. It will mean the development of more Coal, Gas, Nuculear and renewable sources that will get us off dependency of foreign supply.
    • Solar, Wind and other souces of renewable of the future and greater resouces need to be made available to increase the exploration of these types of energy.
    • There should also be greater strides in the protection of our existing production sites and stock piles of energy. When we leave ourselves open to such attacks we are just inviting a terrorist action.
    • The opening up of national parks may be neccesary to open up future sources of energy for short term until we can fully develop green energy sufficient enough to supply all of our power requirements.


In summary there are many things we can do to address all of the topics I have listed above, but it is a starting point to build from and start a conversation. It has often been said, that the Right and the Tea Party have nothing to offer in the ways of definitive ideas on how to move this nation forward. Up to this point there is a sense of entitlement in Washington and an elistist mentality. Sometimes it takes new blook and some "Truly" concerative thinking to shakes things up. There are many things that need to be done to help heal this nation, but dividing us up is not the answer. We are all Americans. White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and anthing in between need to pull together in put nation in front of race. We need to put nation in front of religion. I want to qualify this by saying that I am a Christian and my own personal belief is that none of this can be achieved except through Jesus.